Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What Is Chronic Fatigue Depression And How to Prevent It

I could research the net and go on about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and Fibromyalgia (FM)... but today, I'm too tired to go to all that effort (pun intended !)

So today, I will share something I do know about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) .. I know about CFS quite well as I've lived with it for over 12 years..

Chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a puzzling condition wherein the afflicted experiences fatigue, tiredness and physical pain for a long period of time.  It is believed that there are over 2 million people who experience CFS in America. Chronic fatigue syndrome can frequently cause problems with work and social adjustment.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS can be a very devastating problem if not treated with sufficient care and concern. Fatigue is defined as feelings of extreme exhaustion and tiredness. A person who suffers from chronic fatigue feels restless and is not able to perform his daily duties as he or she does not have the energy to do so.

Chronic fatigue depression is a complex disorder that cannot be improved by bed rest but instead deteriorates by any activity. People with intense fatigue often function at a significantly lower level of activity than they were capable of before the onset of illness.

It is widely perceived that there is no cure for fatigue syndrome. Sleeping, bed rest, and even relaxation will not much help in relieving chronic fatigue syndrome. As the body experiences physical pain and depression, it is also known as fibromyalgia syndrome. A person who is suffering from fatigue will be aware of what is happening to them, but is unable to do anything so as to function better.

Even healthy people are affected by this condition. They may experience weakness, extreme fatigue and also experience problems in concentration, muscles or lymph nodes and severe pain in joints. As per statistics it is women who are likely to be affected by chronic fatigue syndrome.

How To Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome treatments are complex as the illness itself and there are no specific drugs in the form of medication, or anti-depressants for CFS.

Chronic fatigue syndrome can be a very devastating problem if not treated with sufficient care and concern. Chronic fatigue treatment is very complex and managing it can be difficult. There is no cure nor are there any prescription drugs that have been developed for CFS. As symptoms vary over time, these factors make the treatment difficult as it requires patience, and doctors to continually monitor and change treatment strategies.

Intense fatigue is the primary symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. However, it can also be a sign of other psychological disorders. Any patient who experiences severe fatigue should promptly consult their doctor for medical advice and a chronic fatigue syndrome diet introduced. Medication and behavior therapy are also a cure for chronic fatigue syndrome. Drugs such as tricyclic antidepressants generally help to reduce any pain. Drugs such as nortriptyline and desipramine are also generally used to treat this disease. Anti inflammatory drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen can also be used to reduce any muscle soreness.

A physical exercise program improves the energy level as it helps to decrease the muscle weaknesses. To summarize, chronic fatigue treatment should be based on a combination of therapies that include rehabilitation and exercise treatment and activity management.

How To Prevent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

The primary symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are severe fatigue, weakening that is not improved by bed rest and may be worsened with physical or mental activity. Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are also similar to influenza symptoms.

The symptoms of chronic fatigue are intense fatigue for at least six months and which is not relieved by rest. Other chronic fatigue symptoms include impairment in short-term memory or concentration, a frequent sore throat, tender auxiliary lymph nodes, muscle and joint soreness, sleeplessness, allergy, dry mouth and eyes, frequent diarrhea, nausea and weight loss. Other causes of chronic fatigue syndrome are decreased hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, anemia and a weak immune system.

A patient is advised rest as it can help to decrease muscle soreness. It is also advised that a physical therapist be consulted so that a gradual and steady exercise program is started so as to increase the energy levels.

Other prevention areas are that the patient should be aware of the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Medical advice is to be sought should muscle soreness increases. Start a chronic fatigue syndrome exercise routine that includes swimming or walking. It is advised to drink lots of water and maintain a diet that includes a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Finally reduce stress level and absolutely no smoking and caffeine.

1 comment:

  1. Not all of us know about chronic fatigue depression.
    hopefully this article could help us to prevent from this depression
