provides a one-stop shop for individuals and businesses to establish maintain and evolve an online presence. They have a vast product offering, 24/7 customer service and most of all low prices on domain, hosting services, email and much more.
Actually, I have found to be more helpful for my smaller sites. They are very easy to use, and can be reached 24/7 by phone which is a plus for any newbies.Come to think of it – which host is available 24/7 to answer to your questions via telephone?
No, it is not a robot or a dumb guy who responds but the guys from really do help you!Experienced hosting guys are a lot more useful if you know what you're doing in a more advanced level in which case you don't need their help. However, for smaller sites, it's a blessing in disguise.
To top it off, the best thing about is that their domains are very affordable, unlike other sites.
But what I wasn’t aware was the anti school of thought!
Apparently if gets a report of spam they close the domain - with no dialogue with the domain owner. Both Yaro and Mike are big guys to come out with such negativity about’s spam policy that it put me off – as I felt what they did was correct. Nonetheless, personally, I have found them to be great. They're really cheap for domain names, and I've never had any problem contacting them.
I first heard of a year ago when I was on the quest of finding a great deal in buying a domain. Fortunately, I stumbled upon They accepted payments through PayPal and/ or credit cards. Since then, has now been serving me well for quite some time. To date, I have two domains which I bought from Fast processing of the order and worry free service – what more do you want
So, in short,
1. They do have very high uptime and I thought it felt about right for the industry but it wasn't of the highest quality uptime but they rarely ever went down.
2. The support is good if you use skype and have skype credit. Their number is not toll free which is a big NO in the hosting industry.
3. If you make account changes like update DNS servers, update who is contact details, create a mysql database the command gets put into a queue and processed within 15 minutes. So if you need instance access to everything and instant updates you are not going to be happy.
Lastly, their prices are one of the best
So, is fine from my experience with them. They are easily accessible thanks to their 24/7 telephone support. If you have an issue, just give them a call? Honestly a 24/7 web hosting company that exist today is amongst the rarest around.

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