In a working environment we face many problems, a few of which that may also affect the eyesight. There are cases where the tissues may face contraction even. The usual facts say that, sitting continuously in the working environment may reveal money but on the same time it is harming your body in many ways. Your eyes may be held on projection angle with the monitor who is not suitable for the eye’s muscles. The light rays coming out of the monitor can also cause radiant effects on the viewer’s eyes. Your muscles, being at one place constantly for a long period of time will be strained to a point that it effects the free movement of the muscles.
The ergonomically correct monitor is the one which is perfect for the working environment. The monitor should be able to possess the filtration of the harmful rays that come out of the cathode ray tube. In case of liquid crystal display monitors, the curves should be minimized so as to provide best projection angle to the onsite. The monitor is an output device, thus, it fetches your maximized attention.
Viewing distance, when you project monitors while working should be at least 18 to 24 inches. This is optimized distance on which the human capability of viewing largely depends. People may face problem when they do not recognize the working field of the human being’s precious body parts.
The monitors should be 4 way adjustable. The color saturation scheme should be well defined. Furthermore, there should be broad spectrum of colors defined under the CRT display. There are techniques developed nowadays that provide GAMMA CORRECTION FEATURE. This will duly decrease the human eye strain caused by the gamma rays. Extra amount of screening effects should not be considered much as they indeed decrease the capability to work for more time.
As far as mouse and keyboards are considered, the keyboards should be placed at some inclined angle so that a comfortable access is given to the fingers when they press the keyboard keys. Keeping keyboard at some angle decreases human efforts to look for the keys as compared to horizontal juxtapose. Similarly, the mouse used in the working environment are wired and non-wired (wireless) mouse, based on infrared they work efficiently only when they are juxtaposed with the keyboard revealing easy access. The choice of mouse must be made on the basis of its working strategy as well as its size. Small and durable mouses may allow the staff to work much faster as compared to bulky mouse.
The keyboards in working environment can be defined in two categories. One is wired keyboards with fast access shortcut keys and other is wireless, which gives fundamental positions to keep the keyboard and are used less because of the expenses related with it.
The internet keyboards are also widely preferred in companies which deal with lots of surfing work including directory submissions services. Companies which deal with music, should go for musical keyboards which provides MIDI compatibility.
In nutshell, the choices should be in accordance with the area of usage and field of compatibility with the working people or staff.