Trying to change the misconception that one has to blog about blogging, or a specific niche, to create a winning blog that brings in money
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Earn $360 per month without investment
Are You serious about online earning, and ready to work 2 hrs per day
Then without any investment, it should possible for you to earn USD.200 per month to over USD.400 per month
This is possible through PTC (There are some sites which pay you for clicking the ads on their sites. These sites are called PTC [PAID TO CLICK] sites.
If you are serious about your business then try it. It is easy and fun.
You click 10 ads in one site = $0.01 * 10 = $0.1
Total time required [at 30 secs per site] = 30 * 10 = 300 secs
From 10 sites your earnings would be = $0.1 * 10 = $1 per day
Time factor required = 300 secs * 10 = 3000 secs
[ As 3600 secs = 1 hour, 3000 would about 50 minutes ]
Your monthly earning = $3.00 * 30 = $90.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month at 3 hours per day]
If You have 5 Referrals per day, your earning would be (5*0.5)= $2.50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $2.50 * 30 = $75.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month and 50% of them upgrade each day to premium level.]
And you also receive USD.5.00 once, for every upgrade.
If You have 2 Premium Referrals per day, you would earn (2*5)= $10 per day.
Your monthly earning = $10 * 30 = $300.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $300 = $465 for a 90 hour month
Now, if you achieved 10 Referrals per day it would be (10*5)= $50 per day.
Your monthly earning = $30 * 50 = $1500.00
[Assuming you work 30 days a month]
So the total monthly earning = $90 + $75 + $1500 = $1665
A great dream eh !
If you are a bit of a techno-geek it would be a breeze for you. This is ideal for those in the age group of 14 to 16 and for working moms.
Following are the steps how you need to work:
1. Go to Paypal and Alertpay and register there. You will need this Paypal or Alertpay Personal account at time of registration with other sites. While registering it will ask for your Credit Card Information Click on cancel still your account is created at that time as it is not compulsory but surely u can add it later when u get paid by different sites and have a good amount in your paypal account.
* Create a new folder in ad favorite area (Your Browser-Favorites-Ad favorite-new folder-name of the new folder-save) in each browser.
2. Once you are registered, come back to and register with all the sites mentioned there. While registration, many sites will ask your Paypal Identity. You need to mention your Paypal email address or the email address you used while registration with Paypal.
3. Once you are done with registrations with all these sites, open all of them and login into them.
4. Every PTC website will have a button to open the advertisements page, it could be named like "Browse Ads", "Surf Ads", "Start Earning", "Earn Money", "View Ads" etc. Just locate this button and click on it to go to the advertisements page.
5. When you are on advertisements page, you will see several links. Each link will fetch you money, instantly. Click on one link at a time and let it open. Clicking on the link will open the page in new window. A countdown will start on the top of the page, wait for it to get over. Once the countdown is over, a "$" or tick will appear,which means that your account is credited.
6. Do not open any other advertisement from the same site until the countdown of the previous advertisement is over. That can cancel your credit for that click.
Tip: You cannot open two advertisements from the same website at a time, but you can always open advertisements from different sites at a time. You can open several or all the website all along, and login into them and go to advertisements page. Now click on one advertisement from each website. By the time you click advertisement from the last site, the countdown of the advertisement from first website will be over and you will be able to earn money faster than ever.
8. Every PTC website has a page where it shows how much advertisements have you clicked and how much balance is there in your account. You can only transfer this money balance once it reaches the minimum limit assigned by the owner of that website. The button to go to this page is normally named as "Members", "Your Stats", "My Stats" etc. This page will show you how much money you have earned. Once you reach the minimum limit, you can transfer that money to your Paypal account.
9. Once the money reach your Paypal account, you can transfer it conveniently to your Bank, or call for a cheque or credit the amount to your credit card.
NOTE - Some Of the sites donot support PAYPAL so they pay you through ALERTPAY
For referral user : Go Your profile area in each site, copy referral link and pest it in any word document with the site name.
Send this link with a documentation to your friends through mail, free blog, yahoo answer, orkut site from different online earning related free forum. So start the work:
Create your account with ;
Paypal -
Alertpay -
B. Registered your name in the following PTC sites and start earning.
Eurovisits -
Lithiumbux -
Clix Sense -
BigXBux2 - - - -
PTCash -
Xclix - - - -
Foxcash -
Extra10 -
Neobux -
I have only listed 15 sites here, but there are 20 more sites and I haven’t touched them for ages….
Besides, with a single post from any paid-review – it is enough to generate, anywhere between $5 to $10 for a single hours work. There are more such gimmicks, where time management is a priority.
Also mentioned below are some leads to freelancing and paid reviews
Check them out…
You might decide to take them up ……..
Ta for now
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Google Guides, Resources And Trying To Make Money With Google
But when you have to limit them to ten, it is relatively an easy here goes...
There are many ways to make online and of course you can either start your own affiliate marketing home business or work from home and achieve this.
Google Adsense is a fast and easy way for website owners to display relevant ogogle ads on their website's content pages and earn easy money. Because the adverts are related to what users are looking for on your site, you don't have to sell a thing.
You simply sign-up to use the [pay per click] PPC service and then, upon approval, you are able to choose the style of online ads to place on your website. This can be in the form of traditional banner ads or text links, in a variety of shapes and sizes. You also have the ability to manipulate the foreground and background colours of the PPC advertisements, allowing them to be blended into your sites style. Each advert you publish on your site has your own unique publisher id, allowing click throughs to be credited to your PPC account.
So, what does Google Adsense actually do ?
Google Adsense is a program in which you get paid for targeting your readers to another websites product or service. A click through is measured when someone actually clicks on the hyperlink. A great many web sites now have ggoogle dsense ads employed. Google Adsense uses Google AdWords content and services in a display box that you place strategically on your website. Google AdWords customers pay ggoogle a determined amount of money to place their ads. Google passes on around 60% of this value to dsense users whenever an ad is clicked on. If you want to monetize with ogogle aadsense, you have to pick topics whose Adwords advertisers spend mega-bucks per click. If you haven't already done so, open up a Google AdWords account and create a new campaign. Add a list of keywords (one niche topic at a time), then click on 'estimate traffic'. The resulting page will show you the average cost per click for each keyword. Make note of the most expensive words in that list and optimize your pages for those phrases. That's how you'll really profit with Google Adsense.
With ogogle adwords cost per click pricing (CPC), it's easy to control costs, and you only pay when people click on your ad. There is also cost per impression (CPM) pricing for those who prefer to target individual content sites and pay by the impression. You can set your daily budget, starting from 5 cents, and you can write your online ads, select the keywords of your choice, define your own target area and start seeing results. Google AdWords account is fully customizable for any advertiser, and with no monthly minimum spending limit or time commitment and only US$5 to set up your account, ogogle adwords is the ideal marketing tool for small to medium businesses.
Besides, there are thousands of companies (that offer products and services through ClickBank) that need online promotion. This seems to be an exciting business practice and you can make easy money from participating everyday. Just choose a product - one that has an affiliate program. Set up an advertising campaign at a PPC search engine like ggoogle and choose how much you want to pay per click. Write a three-line advertisement and add your affiliate link. Whenever anyone clicks through your ad and buys the product, you earn a commission. Start by conducting a few test campaigns and soon you would be having one or two showing results. Then draft a time frame and over that period of time, test a couple of campaigns for a whole range of affiliate products. It is likely that within a month, you could be having several profitable campaigns. While the concept is simple, getting your campaigns to run profitably takes some expertise. You can also visit some forums for more guidance such as digitalpoint, webmasterworld and the warriorforum, and the guides highlighted in this page can also help you
You simply sign-up to use the [pay per click] PPC service and then, upon approval, you are able to choose the style of online ads to place on your website. This can be in the form of traditional banner ads or text links, in a variety of shapes and sizes. You also have the ability to manipulate the foreground and background colours of the PPC advertisements, allowing them to be blended into your sites style. Each advert you publish on your site has your own unique publisher id, allowing click throughs to be credited to your PPC account.
So, what does Google Adsense actually do ? Google Adsense is a program in which you get paid
for targeting your readers to another websites product or service.
A click through is measured when someone actually clicks on the hyperlink. A great many web sites now have ggoogle dsense ads employed. Google Adsense uses Google AdWords content and services in a display box that you place strategically on your website. Google AdWords customers pay ggoogle a determined amount of money to place their ads. Google passes on around 60% of this value to dsense users whenever an ad is clicked on.
If you want to monetize with ogogle aadsense, you have to pick topics whose Adwords advertisers spend mega-bucks per click. If you haven't already done so, open up a Google AdWords account and create a new campaign. Add a list of keywords (one niche topic at a time), then click on 'estimate traffic'. The resulting page will show you the average cost per click for each keyword. Make note of the most expensive words in that list and optimize your pages for those phrases. That's how you'll really profit with Google Adsense.
With ogogle adwords cost per click pricing (CPC), it's easy to control costs, and you only pay when people click on your ad. There is also cost per impression (CPM) pricing for those who prefer to target individual content sites and pay by the impression. You can set your daily budget, starting from 5 cents, and you can write your online ads, select the keywords of your choice, define your own target area and start seeing results. Google AdWords account is fully customizable for any advertiser, and with no monthly minimum spending limit or time commitment and only US$5 to set up your account, ogogle adwords is the ideal marketing tool for small to medium businesses.
Besides, there are thousands of companies (that offer products and services through ClickBank) that need online promotion. This seems to be an exciting business practice and you can make easy money from participating everyday. Just choose a product - one that has an affiliate program. Set up an advertising campaign at a PPC search engine like ggoogle and choose how much you want to pay per click. Write a three-line advertisement and add your affiliate link. Whenever anyone clicks through your ad and buys the product, you earn a commission.
Start by conducting a few test campaigns and soon you would be having one or two showing results. Then draft a time frame and over that period of time, test a couple of campaigns for a whole range of affiliate products. It is likely that within a month, you could be having several profitable campaigns. While the concept is simple, getting your campaigns to run profitably takes some expertise. You can also visit some forums for more guidance such as digitalpoint, webmasterworld and the warriorforum, and the guides highlighted in this page can also help you
Definitive Adwords Guide - Perry Marshall
Perry Marshall has established a dominant position in this market by delivering a densely packed, detailed training course for beginners and experts alike in this, his flagship product. Many ebooks discuss the subject of profiting from Google Adwords but Perry Marshalls experience and advice outranks all those who have come before him. The Definitive Guide to Adwords goes far beyond the day-to-day business of making money with Adwords and delves into some serious marketing information.
For those interested in a Personal Consultation On Google AdWords, where you have the option to be personally guided by Perry Marshall for a first hand expert tune-up for your AdWords campaigns
Google Cash - Chris Carpenter
The Google Cash teaches you how to succeed with Google AdWords. In Google Cash, Chris Carpenter demonstrates the methods that net him thousands of dollars each month without actually running a website.
While the concept is simple, getting your campaigns to run profitably takes some expertise but, you can utilise any of the below mentioned Google Adwords Guides and Google Adsense Guides To Help You Make Money Online
The Definitive Guide To Google AdSense - William Charlwood
William is the author of a number of publications about AdSense This is a comprehensive guide to getting started with AdSense and then maximising your AdSense income. Also all subscribers to his ezine and AdSense training courses can get a Free 1,000 High Paying Keywords Report. The Definitive Guide To Google AdSense contains 43 Chapters, 101 pages+ of industrial-strength AdSense Insider Secrets with in-built Affiliate Program
What Google Never Told You About Making Money with AdSense
Joel Comm
A battle-tested AdSense Manual that hands you the secret keys to multiplying your Google AdSense income with a series of lazy, 10-second tweaks! Since being published in January 2005, the book has taken the Internet by storm, becoming the best-Selling AdSense book online. To quote "The biggest mistake you make with Google AdSense is just sticking the code on your web site and then ignoring it. If you are ready to step into the Google AdSense big league
Google Adwords 123 - Greg Haslin
Greg Haslin, made $1,758 in ONE DAY by using the power of Google AdWords to sell affiliate products.
Google AdWords 123 will also give you most secrets on how to start an affiliate marketing business The basic message is buy clicks that make fast money but this is not as simple as it sounds. Greg walks you through the process in detail and shows you how to buy low cost clicks that deliver high value sales and hence large affiliate
commissions. It's all clearly explained and beautifully laid out.
Mastering Google AdWords Select - Ashwin Iddya
"Mastering Google AdWords Select" is a comprehensive guide that provides simple techniques for optimizing
Google AdWords Cost Per Click campaigns. It also shows how to cut campaign costs by choosing the optimum cost-per-click for your keywords. also offers competitively priced Google AdWords campaign management services. It includes screenshot based explanation accompanied by clear, concise and easy to understand writing.
Google Adwords Secrets
With or without a product or a website this shows you how to effectively use the Adwords system to make money online
Google Profits - Wade Winger
A simple but very effective way to make money online. An exciting new profit making system that combines the power of Google AdWords with the versatility of ClickBank. The merge of these two power house websites is
a profit making force never seen before
150 Content Rich Ready Made AdSense Websites
You can start your own small Google AdSense empire within minutes. Each of these 150 sites have
over 200 pages and cover different subjects.
The Desktop Adsense Cash Machine
This cutting edge desktop robot automatically finds articles, builds content rich adsense sites with them, and even uploads the completed sites to your server!
Adsense Profit Package
Cash In on the Adsense Revolution.. by visiting this website..
Adsense 101 Tutorial - FREE Ebook
A good book for anybody starting out on Google Adsense. There are "Adsense" ebooks available on the net from $50 plus
FREE tips on Aadsense
For those who would like to know more about Google Adsense.
Free 5-day course on AdWords
An excellent 5 day course by Perry Marshall that packs a punch.
Make Money with Google Adwords - FREE Google Adwords Guide
A FREE Google Guide on how to make money with Google Adwords. Has some rather good tips and tricks for a successful campaign
Article Directories
A FREE list of article submission directories
Web Directory List
A FREE list of article submission directories
Ping and Blog Services
Free List Of Ping and Blog Services - A must for Bloggers
Google Adwords Success eBook
18 of the Most Important Insider Secrets That Can Make Or Break Your Online Venture.
Keyword Elite
Brad Callen's 'Covert' Keyword Research Tool takes keyword research to a new level
Affiliate Marketing Secrets
Make $18,659/mo placing Ads just like this without a website
SEO Elite Software
Internet's #1 SEO Link Popularity..Software to analyze links, build link partners, add reciprocal links to your links pages
Search engine submission software
Axandra offers web site promotion software tools for SEO, search engine ranking and submission, link popularity and free downloads
All said and done, placing Google Aadsense adverts is a practical approach to make money online.
Forex Training
Learn to trade the fastest-growing financial market from veteran fund managers. 7500+ pips in 2007!

This article is featured at Marketing Affiliater and Affiliater Scrawl, both sister sites of Pay me to blog for you.

Sunday, May 25, 2008
Join the technorati train and increase your ranking
How do you participate?
Simply copy the list below onto your blog, and favourite as many blogs as you wish from them. You can also download the html for the list - HERE
After downloading, just utilize the source facility in your Browser and copy the contents between the [body] to [/body] sections and paste it in your blog. A little bit of technical know would be of great help.
This blog piece is courtesy of Marketing Affiliater - Fave the Site
His other blogs include....
Insanitary Media Behavior - Fave the Site
Pay Me To Blog For You - Fave the Site
Nothing Much But All Okay - Fave the Site
Myspace Blog - Fave the Site
Make Money Blogging - Fave the Site
Net Business Blog - Fave the Site
Career Ramblings - Fave the Site
Ramblings from the Marginalized - Fave the Site - Fave the Site
Everyday Weekender - Fave the Site
612 to apocalypse - Fave the Site
Bobs [ReformatThis] - Fave the Site
JCM´s blog - Fave the Site
Armen’s Blog - Fave the Site
Gary Lee - Fave the Site
Dosh Dosh - Fave the Site
Nate Whitehill - Fave the Site
Ms. Danielle - Fave the Site
Jeff Kee - Fave the Site
Scribble on the Wall
- Fave the Site
Jimi Morrisons Head - Fave the Site
Jon Lee - Fave the Site
Samanathon - Fave the Site
Eat Drink & Be Merry - Fave the Site
The Man of Silver - Fave the Site
Hannes Johnson - Fave the Site
My Dandelion Patch - Fave the Site
Nathan Drach - Fave the Site
SiteLogic - Fave the Site
Julies Journal - Fave the Site
Stephen Fung - Fave the Site
Ed Lau - Fave the Site
QMusings - Fave the Site
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Text Link Ads - Linking, Blogging, Website Marketing
Text Link Ads buys and sells online advertisements that are designed to drive targeted traffic and raise link popularity. They service a wide range of clients from Fortune 500 businesses to individual website owners.
Patrick Gavin, the current President of Text Link Ads, founded Text Link Ads in 2003. He previously did pay per click management and SEO for clients of his business
Text Link Ads are unique because they are simple, direct, HTML links.
You can make money by selling Ad Space for Text Link Ads, by setting up a banner or text link on your website. You receive 50% of the sale price for each text link ad sold off your website through their system and any referred traffic that results in a new paid client or new publisher will earn you $25.00.
Alternately, you can use Text Link Ads as static links that can help your natural (organic) search engine rankings, as Text Link Ads have an exhaustive inventory of quality niches that can send targeted traffic to your website. This allows them to provide an outstanding approach to advertising because it affordably allows you to tap into the flow of traffic from large sites drawing your target audience.
Text Link Ads are priced at a flat rate per month per link. You prepay for a 30 day run of your ad. Your ad will never be turned off if it gets too many impressions or clicks. Their pricing algorithm is based on a website’s: traffic, theme, ad position, and link popularity when setting the flat ad rate per month. Hence, you don't have to ever worry about cost per click or CPM rates.
You can also control the links that will appear on your site, because Text Link Ads can be run along any ad system as it is not a contextually served product.
Unfortunately, you must have a dedicated hosting account to publish your Blogger blog, as their script will not work.
If you are considering a text link campaign targeted at increasing backlinks rather than just click-throughs, you may be wise to choose Text Link Ads.
If you already use them, you know this by now. If not, you're missing out on something easy. Give them a try !

For more info, visit Text Link Ads

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
CBprosense - Content Targeted ClickBank Data Feeds
One of the biggest trends over the last few years has been the explosion of websites built to take advantage of the Google AdSense system. And when someone clicks on the AdSense ads that you display, a few cents tumble into your account. If you have sites earning money with AdSense you'll know why this is a good idea.
Then there’s ClickBank. The hottest and most well known affiliate programs network. ClickBank is one of the major players in affiliate marketing online and show every sign of growing in popularity, strength and power in the market.
Clickbank has been around for years and has earned an excellent reputation online. They work as a payment processor and an affiliate program all rolled into one.
Now the most obvious fact with Google AdSense is that you have no idea how much you will get paid for each ad clicked. And while you can get occasional clicks worth a dollar or more, most bring you only a few cents. A more detail version of this is given here -
Now if you find that the promise of making hundreds of dollars a day from displaying pay-per-click ads on your website is falling short of expectations, why not try an alternate method, that could double, triple, or even quadruple your website revenue ?
So, why settle for this handful of cents for each click that turned into a referral for someone else, when those same clicks can be potential sales for a product that would pay YOU 50, 60 or even 75% in commission?
To explain this in detail - if one of your visitors clicks on an ad on your site and ends up buying a $47 eBook, imagine how much better it will feel to get a commission of up to $30 rather than the few cents that you'd normally get for your efforts
Besides, Clickbank marketplace includes over 10,000 eBooks and other downloadable products on all kinds of subjects, that anyone with a free ClickBank® account can sell or promote to make substantial commissions of up to 75%
Clickbank also has a built in affiliate program and they provide you with sales and commissions reports and will send you pay cheques twice per month But unfortunately, what Clickbank does not have, is a "user interface" department.
This is where CBprosense's comes in CBprosense's is one of the most powerful ways to monetize your website.
It is a system that works similar to Google AdSense but displays products from Clickbank with your affiliate ID already embedded in the ads ?
It is specifically designed to help you bring your site's revenue potential to it's max, a set and forget service designed to bring the best of ClickBank's high commission paying, downloadable products (and services) right into your content.
In short you can turn your website into a monster Clickbank affiliate money making machine
So, why try and make your fortune only from the PPC ( pay per click ) revolution where you normally tend to make much more than a few cents a day or perhaps a couple of dollars at best.
Is it not wise option to atleast try out CBprosense content-relevant product matching system.
How would you like to have a smart engine that works similar to Google AdSense but display products from Clickbank with your affiliate ID already embedded in the ads? What if you can easily turn your website into a monster Clickbank affiliate money
Besides, affiliate marketing is booming and CBprosense puts your website right in front of the hungry crowd.
CBprosense as mentioned earlier is similar in the way it works compared to other contextual ad delivery systems ( like the ones used by the major search engines ), but with one major difference; The CBprosense system delivers highly targeted ClickBank products that closely relate to the content of your page.
Ads that your visitors will want to click on. And each time they do, you will have the chance to earn substantial affiliate commissions - not a few cents, but real dollars.
CBprosense allows you to harness the power of Clickbank automatically, without compromising the integrity of your website in any way. That is to say, this unique, highly customisable content monetizing system will rotate on your site links to content-relevant, high commission paying, best performing Clickbank products & services.
In short, you can earn up to 75% in commission for each product sold ! That is to say with most products paying anywhere from 40% to 75% in commissions, you can earn up to a maximum of $100 per sale !
CBprosense display units are fully customisable and are designed to suite almost any page design. The system lets you specify your ad sizes, background and text colors, font face, product minimum commission rate, number of products per unit and various other product filters. You use their Ad builder or generic ad code and simply copy and paste a few lines of HTML to your pages. CBprosense does all the rest, the system. All links are automatically hard coded with your own Clickbank Affiliate ID and will open in a new window when clicked.
Besides, if you've got a webmaster related site, you could also make $42 or $32 per sale respectively on your sales of CBprosense paid subscriptions when you send customers through your site or a mail link.
There is also another issue here. If suppose your Adsense account was banned, then this serves as a good backup. So put CBprosense as an alternative in your file for Adsense.
As they say you really find out, only when the need arises.
Now get ready to make money with the CBprosense Search Engine Marketplace
Bottom line - although Google is a top player in the PPC advertising field, CBprosense does in some ways comes as a much more lucrative alternative to Google Adsense
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Visiting Australia

It's funny whenever a holiday is planned, most people just take things into considerations as they are glad to get away as quick as possible. It is only when they get to the place of destination they regret on their not planning their vacation...infact; some of them have the misfortune to arrive at this decision while traveling itself.....
Basically, when we plan for a holiday or a getaway, there are many things we need to take into consideration, from booking a flight, hotels, renting a car and many other associated hassles. So, next time prior to departure, make sure you have everything in order
Australia has been my favorite vacation spot and also for many travelers.
And travelers going to Australia would want some travel information and facts about what to expect from traveling to Australia, before setting forth. Now, prior to planning a trip to Australia, try and visit online hotels and try and find the best prices and make your trip more affordable as they would generally have the best deals on hotels. These spots are the perfect guide for choosing the lowest rate hotels in Australia.
Sydney is one of the best locations in Australia and it is the large city and been home for the finest hotels. Also it has one the most beautiful buildings in the World - The Sydney Opera House. The Opera House lies on a small peninsula close to the impressive Harbour Bridge and is the ideal place to relax, enjoy the scenery and dine alfresco. The city is so big and there a lot more to see like Darlinghurst, Kings Cross, Circular Quay, Surry Hills, Woolloomooloo, The Rocks, Potts Point...the list is endless. Sydney is the second largest city in Australia and offers some of Australia's best cuisine for eating and drinking, historic arcades full of boutiques and cafes. Hotels in Sydney are the ideal way to relax and unwind and enjoy one of Australia's most cosmopolitan cities.
Melbourne is also the perfect vacation spot for travelers who want to see more of Australia's beautiful spots. Melbourne city is home for shopping and they can enjoy watching spectacular sea and wild life scenery. On the other hand, Brisbane is the third largest city and it is the capital of Queensland. The Portside Wharf is quite amazing and it is a must see place in Brisbane.
Being a popular tourist destination, Perth in Australia has also emerged as the home to a number of hotels. Perth also has the distinction of being the most isolated metropolitan in the world. Today the city attracts travelers from different parts of the world for its attractions and caters the visitors with the warm hotels and well knitted transport network to make their stay memorable. The city is a blend of modernity and scenic beauty.
It is said that a vacation really becomes your home away from home. It's never as comfortable as the real thing, but a great place to stay always makes your trip definitely more enjoyable. Whatever may be your choices, all you want is a stress free and fun holiday. It is until you experience the speed breaker, you contemplate that you should have planned better. Don't wait until then....
Any time is a good time to be in Australia. The city has a comfortable average temperature of 22 degrees throughout the year. Its endless sun baked horizons to dense tropical rain forest to chilly southern beaches. Scattered along the coasts, its cities blend a European enthusiasm for art and food with a laid-back love of sport and the outdoors.
Imagine, going to see a sophisticated opera in Sydney one night and meet Crocodile Dundee the next night!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Dating for seniors
The other day, cam across this site called and thought this senior match thingy was a neat concept...
Now you must be thinking what such a post is doing here.. first, it is sponsored and secondly, it is a darn neat idea for working mums...and seniors
So if you are a kind of person who is shy and searching to meet someone who shares your passion and AGE, check them out !
Can you imagine an older men or women, who for some reasons are still single later on in their lives? Maybe their companion has passed on, or maybe they’ve chose to remain single. Whatever the reason, it is always healthy to have a friend to talk to or to widen their social circle
Besides, there are seniors out there that are thinking that they would like to get out into the senior dating scene but has to wait to find that special someone only at their high school reunion, or, don't know how to go about it. Well, there is this new site out there for senior singles called
At, seniors have the opportunity to sign up for free and instantly begin searching through member profiles for a suitable senior match for friendship, romance, a serious relationship, and more.
The site makes senior dating so easy. Have fun searching for a man and woman in your desired age range and location, browse through member photos online.
If you want to meet interesting characters from your age group, then this may be the right place you have been searching for.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
How To Write A Paid Review
But if you would like to learn how to do it well and with great degree of professionalism do read
Andy Beard’s article, ..............a great example of paid-review.
Elsewhere on his blog he offers few but very important points to consider before accepting a paid review:
While any one can come up with the points above, it is not so easy to put them into practice. If you go through the reviews that Andy wrote in the past, you can agree that he knows what he is talking about. To write this kind of review one needs to put in hours of research plus the time for compiling the review.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Employee Motivation
In this view the general conclusion is that leadership is motivation and motivation is leadership, and that the two elements are inseparable. However, interestingly, no one has actually conceptualized motivation in a useful way to demonstrate and analyze the connection between it and leadership.
While Motivation clearly comes under personality and emotion, Leadership comes under cognitive psychology
But basically, belief is the solution to the problem.
Optimism is that which leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence and this is where emotional aspect comes in.
Now by finding something positive in every situation, ninety-five percent of the emotions are determined by how one interpret events to oneself.
No one else 'makes us angry.' We make ourselves angry when we surrender control of our emotions and attitude. What someone else may have done is irrelevant as we are the one to choose and not them. What they do is merely put our attitude to a test
This is where the cognitive psychology comes in
The mind, if properly controlled, can do just about anything. You can think your way through adversity, you can think your way through problems. It is a powerful instrument which very few use to a maximum. And if the mind thinks with a believing attitude it can do amazing things. As a result of this the confidence improves and it is widely believed that confidence is contagious.
Now on the other hand, it is not so easy to acquire and then maintain this productive attitude.
It takes considerable experience, work, and time to find where your head needs to be in order to control such a situation, and to bring them into the lives of those you affect around you and this is what Leadership is all about.
When you continuously communicate and act upon the organization’s mission, values, and goals, naturally your employees will be motivated to live the mission and maintain a high standard of behavior and productivity. This communication must start at the top and be communicated and acted upon at every level at every opportunity.
One of your organization’s top values should be - Respect.
When you allow an employee to disrespect other team members through words or actions, you are not only destroying your organizations values but it could also lead to organizational and team turmoil, not to mention productivity issues.
For instance, extending common courtesies such as a “Good morning” or a nod as you pass workers in the hallway says to them that they are not invisible to you and has an immense effect in reward terms.
The second value should be - Recognition.
One of the two powerful words important in employee motivation are the words - Great Job.
By recognizing the work of others, you motivate them to keep working. You’ll find that regularly giving verbal or written praise for a job well done goes a long way in making employees feel appreciated. If workers feel that they play an important part in the company by the work they provide, they are much more likely to seek ways to improve their performance.
The third value should be – Reward.
While cash incentives are a sure way to put a smile on an employee’s face, there are other creative ways to motivate employees through such similar thoughtful gestures. For example, a Dinner at a local restaurant once-a-month or a birthday party would have great impact on their mode of functioning.
When working with top organizations, the more the organizational values are communicated and reinforced, more success the organization will achieve. This creates a motivated work environment and rewards employees based on the mission.
Another factor to remember is to be careful how you use your words. Well, words do hurt. The best advertising copywriters, political experts, speech writers, and screen writers are paid hundreds of thousands to create emotions with words, so that the end user is persuaded to act in a certain way. It is important to realize that once we say something that is hurtful can alienate our fellow employees and we may never be able to take it back.
We should all be careful with the words we use. It should be positive or motivating towards your fellow employees and thereby showing respect toward my team members with the words you use.
Also always encourage positive, motivating behavior and recognize good behavior whenever you can. Recognize the person(s) exhibiting positive behavior in team meetings and send him/ her personal memo/ letter from the CEO, etc. As a result of which, most of the employees will start emulating such a behavior. So always set an example by displaying your best motivating, respectful, and positive behavior.
On the other hand, also be prepared to take corrective action when you have employees who display inappropriate behavior. Make sure that you, as a Manager, document all discussions relating to such unacceptable behavior. Confer with HRD to receive expert advice on the next steps in the corrective action procedure. Then start implementing the corrective action and follow-up to ensure there is a positive change in their behavior.
Be timely in your follow-ups so that there is no lapse in time between the next situation of unacceptable behavior and the next level of corrective action. Try to immediately motivate and reinforce positive behavior changes.
Remember, if you show you are quick to take action for unacceptable behavior, this sends a message to your team members that you respect them as individuals and more so as team players. This would make them far more motivated because of your actions.
Apply these basic fundamentals and you will create a motivated workplace that achieves team and organizational goals.
As a closing line.....It is of great importance for you to realize that all your repetitive thoughts create ideas, which in turn create actions and which over time creates character. And if you allow too many negative, improper, incorrect thoughts to dominate you, the chances are you will never succeed...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Spamming and copying in blogging
But Web site operators can take actions to combat it, says Matt-Cutts, Google's lead engineer for combating Web spam, at the Web 2.0 Expo
Matt Cutts, head of Google's Webspam team and an engineer who's been working on the problem for eight years, says - "Spammers are human," Cutts said. "You have the power to raise their blood pressure. Make them spend more time and effort...... If spammer gets frustrated, he's more likely to look for someone easier."
It is a pity that someone likes Matt focusses and comes up with such a statement. More likely they are bloggers in pampers who spam - they are new and they are under pressure to perform.
They have just spent some time on the internet and have just heard the word "blog" and are trying to use this concept of blogging and become rich !
Have you ever wondered how blogs actually got started? You will need to understand how to research your blog how to do everything from figuring out where you fit in to finding the best keywords through both paid and free tools.
I took up blogging not so long agp, and it didn’t go well.
I started out quite well, with such good intentions - posting every day, spending time thinking of unique and fresh topics to blog about that would be interesting to my readers.
But no sooner I got weighed down with the amount of work it took, and the time I spent making posts I started sp*mming.
It was inevitable - my blogging slowed, and my blog faded. Visitors dropped to 1
or 2 a day. Something had to be done!
Now, I didn't understand then that copy news-clips and giving credit to guys was called sp*mming - well, it is sort of !
Recently, I decided I wanted to kickstart my blogging career again. Only this time, I blog about subjects that I’m deeply interested in, and it feels much more like a hobby.
Of course, making money is what it’s all about so you will learn how to use your blog and to make money you need to advertise, finding the best place to put your ads and the best ways to target and bring the traffic straight to your blog.
So, if you are ready to learn how to set up your blog and make some money, then just continue researching and reading so as to learn the easy way to accomplish this.
A key to blogging successfully is the passion of the author.
Copying and pasting articles from directories will bring search engine traffic, but it won’t build a readership. As in list marketing, the money comes because of your relationship with your readers – the same is true for blogs. If you’re scraping or automating the process and basically just copying content - you may as well set up an article site, because you won’t have a blog.
But I am not here to preach about the ethics of blogging and how to go about producing a decent blog that people will return to and that you can use for selling. The main issue here is to make the process of blogging easier for you, and how to make it quicker.
Although I do partially support the automating of this process, ie., scraping, copy ‘n’ pasting. it must be mentioned that the main idea of copy and pasting is that it saves time. And make sure that the articles are in line with your intentions and that it is not copyright struff.
*** If so please do give a courtesy to the author so that there are no legal hasssles ***
However it must be mentioned that if you’re going to simply replicating content, they will eventually find the original source and they’ll become regulars there instead.
Basically, blogging is about the voice of the author, and how that draws readers into their world...
And I am still lost at Matt, when he says to employ systems that rank people by trust and reputation and to not to be afraid of legitimate purveyors of search-engine optimization services. "SEO is not spam. Google does not hate SEO," Cutts said. "There are plenty of white-hat SEO (companies) who can help you out."
The most sensible piece of advise is to use captcha systems to make sure real people, not bots are commenting on your site.
But the hardest problem was finding topics and blogging about them and time itself.
If you want to monetize the blog - go ahead. But make sure you have rock solid, real, unique, hand generated content to keep people coming back.