Imagine how much easier it would be if everyone simply stated what they wanted. Rather than making grand assumptions about other people’s motives, we might actually start getting our needs met. Lies seem to be the in thing. It has no origin, and has lost its actual source and flavor.
Nowadays, a lie is so obvious, something to be made mockery of. It sucks.
Hey, I didn't say that. ...... Say what ?
Well then it may have been somebody else’s soliloquy, but I feel your anger. This is the usual form of conversation these days
It's become very difficult to function with images nowadays, i.e., on a virtual reality basis. Although it has becoming a bit stabilized, nonetheless, cries of MTV coming in now and then. Blank as it may seem, there is an enormous amount of loose data going to waste, but where seems to be the general question.
When the image game is over, who is responsible for the mess ?
The feeder or the doer ?
It appears that it is both. Now how is this possible ?
The “image feeder” does in most cases, with a malicious intention (naturally there are exceptions), but the doer being innocent, jumps upon thinking it is an opportunity not to be wasted and commits the action.
But then again, the main idea is that someone is performing, without which the system won’t function. Then there are some of us who fall in the category of knowing the situation but not functioning.
Now is there a solution to this... perhaps......
Now let me think up some rubbish... so as to justify above trash !!]
They say it is the subconscious, or even the unconscious, which can answer these problems.
As ideas must flow spontaneously, for which obviously there must be a source or reservoir of information. In other words, we know that a vision without a task is but a dream.
Besides, things don't just come, ideas must flow spontaneously, for which obviously there must be a source or reservoir of information.
We all know that a vision (“nowadays media introduced images”) without a task is but a dream.
In other words, a thought without action is useless, and an action with no sense of thought is even more useless. It has no meaning. So we have little choice but to perform, whatever the action may be.
Although the doer may not be right, the main thing here is that there is a response, be it inexperienced, and most of all he performs that action without which the system won’t function.
Then there are some of us who fall in the category of knowing the situation but not functioning, as they believe their ideas come from a manipulative source. Now, if you do not check your ideas sources, your action may not lead to anything fruitful.
There is however an interesting scenario here.
Despite the fact that most ideas are created from media induced or manipulated sources, there are instances that this manipulated information could prove exceedingly useful.
But then again, allowing yourself to be passively manipulated and not getting involved is risky. Because once caught in that cycle, it's rather difficult to find a way out.
What we are witnessing here is the ultimate of waste, the paradigm, and maximum symbol that could define human mental waste, as there is absolutely no productivity.
On the other side, if you start questioning ideas, problems seem to arise.
What we have here is definitely a Catch 22 situation. !
You do not know whether the information received is genuine, yet you have to perform, putting your conscience in disorder. Hence the huge mental waste.
Furthermore killing a source or an idea is just not the solution.
In short it is a fantastic exchange of ideas that destroys itself immediately and cannot be utilized anymore. It is even sadder as some of those ideas can be passed on to someone.
So the best option seems to be to perform, whatever the action may be. In other words, allowing yourself to be passively manipulated and not getting involved seems even better. Although the doer may not be right, the main thing here is that there is a response, be it inexperienced, and most of all he or she performs that action without which the overall system won’t function.
However, the risks are exceedingly high as once caught in the cycle, it's rather difficult to find a way out except through movies !!! Now that’s a thought.
It is only our subconscious within which can have answers to most of these problems, and how essential it is to preserve that subconscious. To put it in a different perspective, we can use our subconscious to make ourselves either miserable, or strong and either way the amount of work involved is almost the same.
Nonetheless, there is capital being wasted away, but if we focus, the reverse is sure to happen. Mainly because when we have a capital base of practically nothing, and a solid debt base, I cannot theoretically visualize anything but gain
The stink has also started permeating to the common man, but somebody has to answer for the enormous amount of capital invested for every nonsensical action or a “war expense”, besides providing a very justifying tax plan to substantiate the expenses. What happens should it come to be known it was investment worth wasting!
Financially, it appears that mutual funds are making a comeback. Bankruptcies are yet to raise its head. Appears embezzlements are out of fashion. Fudging the books is slowly poking its head up, and laundering is still a baby.
Where have the good old Cambodians gone. Perhaps we ought to come up with a grant so as to support this ailing industry.
If something is not done, there would not be countries to buy depleted weapons, which as a result would be an increase in taxes again. Well, if this continues, it appears politicians eventually have to fund themselves, apart from an occasional handout.
But still, there is something seriously wrong.
And killing a source or an idea is just not the solution. No it's not worth discussing it, realization is what matters.
The answer primarily lies in the media.
Unfortunately majority of the decisions are made based on television reports, something unthinkable.
After the glitter fades, beneath the leather and lace, we're just scared, trying to learn how to love, amid the gaudy after images of popping flashbulbs of the paparazzi. And when darkness falls, and we crouch naked and are alone in our slack, aging bodies, snuffling with fear, and snarling at the grinning phantasms of our toilet-flushed dreams, with a fistful of pills to keep us company.
Well anyway TV stations have boosted their ratings, young things have started prancing around enjoying their newfound status, as there is somebody to pay for it.
The biggest and scariest trend is that there is more and more stimulation in our culture.
It is lights, camera, and action-everybody, all the time.
It's going to be good for the drug companies; at least, they're going to be the ones trying to calm us back down. I know people who have come up with creative ways to disguise the banners that scroll along the bottoms of their television sets. People put yellow sticky notes on the top of revolving logos on their TV screens.
There's just too much stimulation everywhere. Whatever happens, I hope that the media is not subjected to more censorship.
What is essential here, is that newcomers are explained the basic objectives of media and media communication, or else more and more live events have to be recorded.
Otherwise, we would have to learn to interpret articles such as these, so as to rectify and make sense of it.
To put it in a different perspective, we can either make ourselves miserable or strong and the amount of work involved is almost the same.
We must realize that our greatest fear should not be of being inadequate, but the fact that we know that we could be, and we are powerful beyond measure.
If we at least try and stop now, then perhaps there is some kind of hope.
I think we are not far from it either.
All we are saying is……. let's wait and watch…